It was like Aidan's words awakened all the hidden power of the Skull Dynasty!

A deafening rumble rose from the ground, and then several silhouettes burst from different sides of the guild, quickly stopping right behind Aidan.

Meanwhile, Mira was beating the spirit out of the last weakling. This mage was not so bad, he even managed to hold out for a few seconds longer and unleash his wind spells. But in the end, he only angered the demonic sorceress more and went to the bar, punching the wall. Rumble and dust covered the area, and half the head of the mossy skull cracked. The bald guy flew a few meters and stopped right in front of the old man's feet. The entire back of the defeated magician was covered with shards of broken glass and he lost consciousness, bleeding. Mira really showed her ruthless side!

"Impressive ..." - Aidan nodded, although he did not like the way she acted, but he simply could not deny the effectiveness of such methods. She showed her demonic nature to the fullest!

The wizard calmly looked around, as he had already roughly predicted the course of further events. Enemies were not going to just soap their necks and surrender, especially experienced assassins.

In another crash, the roofs of the Skull Dynasty were blown to smithereens! Mirajane flew out and flapped her black wings. Her long tail slashed through the air, and then she quickly flew up to Aidan, grinning ominously.

- At last we showed up!"You're too greedy, even if you leave me someone," the guy muttered, looking at the girl's changed appearance. She looked now more than hot, one might say she was fighting on the spot with her sexuality! No matter how cruel Mira tried to seem, even in demonic form, her body remained the same sensual. A black scar crossed the right eye, the ears extended and sharpened, and the eyebrows took on a sharper and more sinister look. The hair just flew up, wings grew out of the back, and the arms were covered with scales to the very elbows and acquired real claws. But this did not spoil the view at all, on the contrary, the demonic appearance gave her a special charm. The main thing is her open costume, which, in fact, hid only her breasts and the most forbidden places. Opening up a view of the slender belly, shoulders and even the areas between her delicate curves. The view was amazing, especially her chic thighs with these long boots above the knee. Aidan even admired a little, to which he received a reproachful look from the girl.


- What did you want? Dress decently! - he objected immediately.

- That is none of your business! - cursed Mira: - Look at yourself, even put on your trousers.

- Oh you! And I know myself, this is all these fools from Bosco!

- Hmpf! When we get back, I'll buy you normal clothes.

Aidan waved his hand in exasperation.

- Let's talk about it later.- Maybe it's already enough to sort things out? The pink-haired girl with a katana shouted in irritation.


The old man, chuckling aside, scratched his long beard and sighed:

- Ikaruga, don't bother the young. Let them chat before they die.

Finally, Aidan glanced at the five mages in front and the old man to the side, fixing his gaze on him.

- Apparently you are in charge here, - the wizard smiled, studying the rather strange looking old man. He turned out to be bald, about a meter tall, barely taller than Makarov. At the same time, he dressed even more strangely, in general, almost without clothes - just a half-naked old man. His body was covered with black runes everywhere, especially his bald head and chest. All these patterns definitely meant something, Aidan knew little about the writing, but he determined that this one was exactly them. The old man's beard was tied around his neck and went down the back, like a cloak, fell down to the knees. Otherwise, he didn't really stand out, simple pants and boots. Though his eyes were strange, even his white sclera bore black writing. Mirajane, as soon as she saw this, immediately grimaced in disgust.

"What a creepy ..."

The other five stood in a crowd with a clear fighting spirit. Not surprisingly, who would even endure the destruction of their own guild, by a couple of young magicians?

Among the enemies Aidan could remember only three, and even then not by name. The girl in the white kimono stood out for her beauty, but like her comrades, she had a slightly defiant appearance. Red high-soled shoes, about twenty centimeters high. Long katana and pink hair, braided in a kind of bow. Her name was Ikaruga, a Mugetsu-Ryu swordsman who can easily smash enemies in the blink of a second.

An even stranger guy stood next to the girl. He looked like a crazy rocker in all his appearance. White sore skin, red tattoos, and long dark hair that falls down to her feet. He wore leather items mostly with spikes, and held an electric guitar in his hands. Vivaldius Taka is a sorcerer who can turn his "music" into a weapon.

To the right of the rocker stood a large male owl. Perhaps he seemed the strangest, since his head did not resemble a mask at all, but looked like the real head of an owl ... Although, the wings on his hands were still fake. This guy wore a jetpack behind his back. His name was Fukuro - a magician capable of absorbing other people's magic.

Two more old women were standing a little further from this trio. In fact ... These two turned out to be old women in headscarves, while wearing bikinis. Their tastes are still strange. Moreover, these grandmothers had skull tattoos on their foreheads, and their hands looked painfully swollen and covered with a mass of wounds and pimples. Very liquid women, like some kind of vile witches from fairy tales, only with even more disgusting manners.
