In the afternoon, the news of Nan Ruo cuddling with a man outside the club's gate spread.

Nan Ruo took Yinzhe to the basketball court to watch a group of boys play.

The camel took Yinzhe to play with him.

Piao Liang came to Nan Ruo's side and asked curiously, "Captain, who is the man that came looking for you this afternoon?"

Nan Ruo didn't try to hide anything as she calmly replied, "He's my fianc??."

"Huh?" Piao Liang's voice was slightly agitated.

Nan Ruo looked at her. "Are you surprised?"


Piao Liang nodded her head repeatedly. "We all thought that the legendary fiance was just an excuse for you to avoid being pursued by others."

The man looked at Xiao Yinzhe, who was laughing among the crowd in the distance.

"He was studying abroad and just came back."

Piao Liang turned around and sat on the step below Nan Ruo's feet, facing her face to face.

"Then what about you and Director Xiao?"

Nan Ruo thought it would be rather troublesome to explain, so she simply said, "It's all in the past now."


"Ah, what a pity, we are all very supportive of you being together with Director Xiao," Piao Liang pouted. "I really want to know what kind of outstanding man could beat Director Xiao."

Piao Liang said as she placed both hands on her knees.

"Captain Nan, make your fiance treat us to a meal. We'll be family from now on."

Nan Ruo looked at Piao Liang. There was no way she could help Su Jing'an with this matter.

She hesitated before saying, "He's rather busy."

Piao Liang saw her dilemma and said gloomily, "What a pity. Then, what is your fianc?? doing? Is he treating you well?"

Nan Ruo nodded. "He's a doctor and he treats me well."

"A doctor," Piao Liang became a little interested. "A doctor is a good profession. When you go to the hospital in the future, can you consider it as having a backdoor?"

Nan Ruo raised her hand and knocked on Piao Liang's head.

"What do you mean, go to the hospital? Stop talking nonsense."

Piao Liang quickly covered her mouth and nodded. "Yes, I said the wrong thing. "Captain Nan, when you get married, I want to apply to be your bridesmaid."

"Sure," Nan Ruo said as she looked at Piao Liang. "Thank you."

Piao Liang sat down beside her again.

"But to be honest, Captain Nan, I really feel that when you stand with Director Xiao, you are extremely pleasing to the eyes and also ?? "Director Xiao must like you. I can see the way he looks at you as if he's emitting light."

Nan Ruo shook her head. "No, I'm not his type."


"En," Nan Ruo stood up. "Let's go and play."

Looking at Nan Ruo ru

ing towards the center of the field, Piao Liang sighed. What a pity.

They were clearly a match made in heaven.

In the evening, Nan Ruo was called to a meeting.

When she came back, she noticed that Yinzhe was a bit depressed.

After di

er, they returned to the dorm. Xiao Yinzhe said that he wanted to do his homework.

Nan Ruo sat down to accompany him.

Xiao Yinzhe pouted. "No need, I'll write it myself."

Nan Ruo tilted her head and looked at him, her voice gentle, "Yinzhe, what's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Xiao Yinzhe asked cautiously, "Mom, you won't marry my dad, right?"

Nan Ruo was stu

ed. "What?"

"They said that you have a fianc??. Today, your fianc?? came to find you, and your fianc?? is the one who will marry you, right?"

As Xiao Yinzhe said this, he cried.

Nan Ruo's eyes turned red.

"Ugh ??" Xiao Yinzhe cried until he made a sound.

"I thought Mom and Dad would get married, so why do other people's Mom and Dad live together while my Mom and Mom want to marry someone else? You don't need to marry someone else, okay? If you marry Dad, then I want to live together with Mom and Dad."

The tears on Nan Ruo's face also dripped down one by one.

Xiao Yinzhe turned around and shook Nan Ruo's arm while crying. "Mom, can you promise me?"

Nan Ruo looked at Yinzhe sorrowfully. She was full of guilt, but she didn't know how to explain it to a child.

"Mom, do you not like me at all? Is it because you don't want to live with me that you want to marry someone else?"

"No, no."

Nan Ruo held Yinzhe in her arms, crying so hard she couldn't speak.

After a while, Nan Ruo calmed her heart and said: "Yinzhe, I like you. I like you very much, but I owe someone else a debt and I have to pay it back. This is an inescapable responsibility. I can't help it, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. "

Xiao Yinzhe released her, "My dad is very rich, my dad can help you repay it."

Nan Ruo's hand caressed Xiao Yinzhe's face: "This debt ca

ot be paid back with money."

Xiao Yinzhe brushed away Nan Ruo's hand and shouted while crying, "You lied to me. You're not a good mother. I hate you."

Xiao Yinzhe turned around and ran out.

Nan Ruo stood up and chased after him.

She stopped Xiao Yinzhe in the hallway.

Xiao Yinzhe pushed her away, "You don't want me anymore anyways, don't worry about me."

Nan Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, dried her tears and followed Xiao Yinzhe out of the dorm.

She followed Xiao Yinzhe wherever he went.

The two left the Club and walked further and further away.

Seeing that he had no intention to stop, Nan Ruo could only give Xiao Jingnian a call.

Xiao Jingnian was quite surprised to hear from Nan Ruo so late.

Hearing Nan Ruo's words, Xiao Jingnian didn't stop for a moment and rushed to the club.

After driving for over an hour, he finally saw the two figures, one big and one small, at the side of the road that led to the club.

The small one walked in front while the big one followed two steps behind.

And here, it was already 10 kilometers away from the club.

He could not believe that they had come so far.

He turned the car around, caught up with the two of them, and pulled over to the side.

The moment he opened the car door, Nan Ruo let out a sigh of relief.

When Yinzhe saw Xiao Jingnian, he ran over while crying and hugged him.


Xiao Jingnian raised his eyes and glanced at Nan Ruo, who was not far away. He squatted down and held Xiao Yinzhe's shoulders with a serious expression.

"What's wrong with you, man?"

Xiao Yinzhe hugged him, hugging Xiao Jingnian's neck.

"Dad, you won't be able to marry mom. Mom is going to marry someone else. I won't be able to get a complete family."

Xiao Jingnian looked at Nan Ruo sharply.

Nan Ruo lowered her eyes and avoided Xiao Jingnian's gaze.

Xiao Jingnian whispered in Xiao Yinzhe's ear, "Do you believe dad?"

Xiao Yinzhe nodded.

Xiao Jingnian stared at Nan Ruo and slowly spoke into Xiao Yinzhe's ear.

"Believe me, as long as you want it, I will make it happen. I will make it happen."

Xiao Yinzhe looked at Xiao Jingnian with tears in his eyes.

Xiao Jingnian helped him to wipe away his tears. "Go to the car and wait for dad. Daddy will be here soon."

"Okay." Xiao Yinzhe didn't even turn around to say goodbye to Nan Ruo before he went to the car.

Xiao Jingnian stood up and walked towards Nan Ruo.

His gaze made Nan Ruo panic from the bottom of her heart.
