Perhaps in the current situation, we can only do as Qian Jin said ??

Mu Yifeng's matter indeed had nothing to do with her, but she did not want his mother to suffer any more grievances ??

In these twenty odd years, Xu Lin and her children had truly gone too far ??

Perhaps, it was time to fight for his mother!

Even if this wasn't something that she had to fight for, at least her mother would no longer have to suffer from these villains ??

Thinking about it, Yin Yixin sighed, held up the cup of water in front of him, and took a sip.

"Miss Yin."


Yin Yixin suddenly stopped drinking and raised her head.

It was a young man in a suit.

"Uh, you are ??"

"I am Boss Mu's bodyguard, I will lead you to see Boss Mu." The young man said respectfully.

Yin Yixin immediately put down the cup by her hand and stood up. "Okay, thanks."

The young man made a gesture of invitation.


Yin Yixin took large strides.

Three days ago, Mu Yifeng had asked her to come to the Ming Ting Hotel to look for him, and she had just reached the hotel.

But because she didn't know which floor Mu Yifeng was on, she went to the front desk of the hotel.

The front desk clerk informed Mu Yifeng's people. Perhaps it was the person who was leading the way for her, so he told her to wait on the first floor of the hotel for a while.

She ordered a glass of water and sat by the fountain on the first floor of the hotel, waiting patiently while the wind blew.

He didn't expect that he would have to wait for half an hour ??

However, she did not feel that it was too long as she had been thinking about things for a long time.

He took the elevator and quickly reached the 66th floor of the hotel.

This was her first time in such a high-class hotel. Yin Yixin looked at her clothes that didn't even add up to more than a thousand yuan, and felt that she was a little out of place here.

Once again, she sighed in her heart. She and Mu Yifeng were people of two completely different worlds ??

"Miss Yin, we're here!"

The young man's reminder brought Yin Yixin back from her thoughts. She raised her head and saw that she had already walked to the door with the number 3366 written on it.

"Is the Boss Mu inside?" Yin Yixin asked.

The young man nodded his head. Boss Mu has just ended his video conference with the higher ups of the Mu's Group. "

Yin Yixin was slightly surprised.

It turns out that he was in a meeting just now, and was not intentionally putting on the airs of a Mu's boss ??

It seems that she misunderstood him ??

"Alright." She smiled a polite, polite smile.

"The young man opened the door for Yin Yixin and then retreated to the side. "Please come in."

Yin Yixin took a deep breath in and entered the room.

Although the room had a heavy atmosphere and did not give off the impression of an abnormal atmosphere, the young man had already closed the door. The feeling of being in the same room made Yin Yixin feel a little nervous.

The key was, she had not seen Mu Yifeng.

Just as she was wondering how she could find Mu Yifeng in this room, a voice came from behind. "You're here."

Hearing this unfamiliar yet familiar voice, Yin Yixin's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated. Her face also felt slightly hot, and she could only take a deep breath to suppress her current nervousness, before turning back.

Counting it, this was her third time meeting Mu Yifeng.

The first time was naturally that night.

The second time was half a year ago. Because the matter regarding Mu Yifeng and her had suddenly been exposed, Mu Yifeng had met with her in C City.

At that time, Mu Yifeng had asked her to follow him to France. The purpose was to avoid the reporters in the country from forcing her to be interviewed and then getting scrawled by the reporters.

She rejected him on the spot and told Mu Yifeng that she would definitely not be followed by reporters, because she would definitely stay at the home of one of her classmates.

Mu Yifeng did not force her to go to France, he only asked her to do what she had promised. Otherwise, as long as the media interviewed her, he would send someone over to C City to bring her to France.

In the end, she managed to avoid all the media footage from that time and waited until the heat of the incident subsided before revealing herself.

She thought that they would continue to be strangers, but she didn't expect that their matter would once again get the headlines from the Chinese and French media, and that they would once again become linked.

Today was their third meeting.

Yin Yixin originally thought that she wouldn't be as nervous to see Mu Yifeng again as she was the last two times, but she didn't expect that when he looked at her, her mouth would still be a little dry.

She didn't know why, but every time she saw him, she would think of that night ??

The more she didn't want to think about it, the clearer those scenes became in her mind.

At this moment, she wanted to find a hole to hide in so that she wouldn't have to face him ??

"En, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting." Yin Yixin rejoiced that she was able to find her calm voice amidst her nervousness.

Mu Yifeng was dressed in a tailored suit, which made him look high-end and noble. He had a rather good appearance, and also gave him a good temperament.

"I didn't disturb you, but I did make you wait downstairs for a long time!" After saying that, Mu Yifeng indicated for Yin Yixin to sit on the sofa.

Yin Yixin laughed and then slowly sat down on the sofa. She suddenly felt that Mu Yifeng was not as high up as she had imagined. He seemed to be an amiable person.

But the way he had been on the phone that day had made it clear to her that she could never believe he was a talkative person. Besides, businessmen were treacherous.

"I believe you have already seen the domestic news for the past few days. Our matter has once again been widely reported. Of course, this is my side's reason. These media have been instructed by someone ??" In any case, the situation is a bit grim for me now, and although I've done my best to keep you out of this mess, I haven't been able to get you out of it. " Mu Yifeng leaned his back against the sofa, relaxed his body and calmly spoke.

Speaking of proper business, the scene from that night finally disappeared from Yin Yixin's mind. She spoke out calmly, "Boss Mu, actually, your matters have nothing to do with me, I have no obligation to help you. But, you are very smart, you used my mother."

Mu Yifeng was not displeased by Yin Yixin's words and gently said, "Yi Xin, you should have helped me."

Yin Yixin frowned, slightly displeased, "Boss Mu, why do you say that?"

Mu Yifeng said unhurriedly, "I think you should still remember that night when you walked into my room yourself."

Yin Yixin's face instantly turned hot as she blushed and said, "I've already explained to you that I was sick the other day. I took some medicine and was completely muddle-headed, thinking that your room was my room ??"
