Say it. Zhou David just gently back out, at the same time in his own heart of the dark plan, how to play with Xia Xing orange woman in applause.

This time, I must make a good design. I can't miss anything.

Xia Xingcheng, that woman, he really can't make her proud for too long.

Otherwise, I am already jealous and going crazy.

But Xia Xingcheng didn't know at all that there was such a big conspiracy against him.

In her heart now, the only thing that she wants to finish as soon as possible is Gu Xingxi's matter.

Because Gu Xingxi's last play has been finished, she can't take it lightly at the most critical time for Gu Xingxi's second play.


After sorting out a lot of materials and making an appointment with the cooperator and director, Xia Xingcheng can't help but call Gu Xingxi and make an appointment to negotiate with him.

Too comfortable time always passes quickly.

After a while, it was almost the time appointed by Xia Xingcheng, so she sent a nanny car to take her and Gu Xingxi to the destination.

Along the way, they didn't say much, but Gu Xingxi's line of sight had been sweeping over Xia Xingcheng like nothing, which made her feel slightly uncomfortable.

So, Gu Xingxi starts to secretly look at Xia Xingcheng again, and finally she can't sit down.

Immediately to the line of sight of Gu Xingxi, his face was puzzled, "Xingxi, is there something on my face?"


Gu Xingxi is a little guilty. He can't help but take back his sight. Nah, he said, "star, sister Xing, you have nothing on your face. Why do you ask me that suddenly?"

At this time, Xia Xingcheng starts to pretend to be angry and hum, "then I have no flowers on my face. What are you looking at me doing?"

Knowing that he had just been caught by Xia Xingcheng, Gu Xingxi was embarrassed, and his face was red again.

"Star elder sister, I, how do you know I am looking at you?" he said

After hesitating for a long time, Xia Xingcheng thought Gu Xingxi would say something clever to avoid the past, but he was still so shy.

This can't help but make Xia Xingcheng a little worried and sighed heavily.

"Xing Xi, you said you've been out for so long, how can you still speak without confidence now?"

If Gu Xingxi has been like this all the time, how can she rest assured to have a good baby at home.

Seeing that Xia Xingcheng was not willing to do so, Gu Xingxi was in a bit of a hurry and immediately explained, "sister Xing, don't get me wrong. I'm really different now. I can really do it."

It seems that Xia Xingcheng doesn't believe it or not. Gu Xingxi just let it go. He took a deep breath and said to her, "sister Xing, you believe I've changed a lot. I'm just facing you, a little A little nervous. "


Summer star orange suddenly some messy, some can't believe their ears.

Gu Xingxi took a deep breath: "sister Xing, don't get me wrong, I just want to ask you what you have done in recent days when you ask for leave, is it uncomfortable?"

"You haven't contacted me since you left. I'm worried about you all the time."

In the end, Gu Xingxi's voice became a little smaller, and in the end, there was almost a faint voice left.

Listen to him to explain so, summer star orange is suddenly enlightened.

Helplessly chuckled, see Gu Xingxi often see their own always blush, Xia Xingcheng can not help but think he is too cute.

"Well, am I that terrible? In the future, if you want to ask me anything, just ask directly. You know, I'm the closest person in this company. What else can't you ask? "

Gu Xingxi nodded, his face didn't seem to be as embarrassed as before, so he nodded and said: "OK, I know sister Xing. And you are not only my closest relative in the company, but also in my life. "

"So sister Xing, if you have something to do, you must tell me that my brother will do his best to help you, OK?"

Gu Xingxi's eyes at this time could not help but take a kind of sincere look, the complexity in his heart was well covered up by his own past.

Xia Xingcheng smiled helplessly, then nodded and said, "OK, I know Xing Xi. I promise you something in the future. Will you let me tell you at the first time?"

Suddenly, Gu Xingxi asked her what she had been doing these days. Xia Xingcheng wanted to tell him that she was pregnant, but suddenly thought that she was in the company after all. Besides, she never told Gu Xingxi that she was pregnant.

So she hesitated for a moment. At last, she explained casually, "I had some private affairs a few days ago, so I didn't come."

Gu Xingxi sees Xia Xingcheng's look is really good, because it's not the body's reason, so he will believe some.Just still don't worry about the charge: "that star elder sister, you usually also need to take care of yourself, you know, don't worry too much because of my things."

Xia Xing and orange nodded, knowing that Gu Xingxi was really concerned about himself, they couldn't help but show some emotion.

After chatting in the car for a while, they arrived at the destination agreed by Xia Xingcheng and the director in advance.

The destination is located above an office building. I heard it's the director's company.

Xia Xingcheng doesn't think much about it. He leads Gu Xingxi directly into it.

In fact, things have not been talked about before we met again. This time, we are just going to try a mirror to sign a contract.

After all, Gu Xingxi's popularity is very different from that of the original, so there will be more opportunities.

But Sheng Yeling's side, after he finished a series of things in his hand, suddenly came in an unexpected guest.

At that time, Sheng Yeling just came out of the conference room.

Jiang Quan hurried over suddenly. When he saw Sheng Yeling, his face was complicated.

Sheng Yeling knows Jiang Quan's ability. If he didn't encounter a very difficult problem, he would rarely show such an expression.

So he could not help but look at him, and finally said in a deep voice, "what's the matter? Let's talk about it."

Jiang Quan raised his head and looked embarrassed. Some helplessly pointed to the direction behind him: "Mr. Sheng, Liang Fengyue suddenly found him and said that he would see you."

"Oh? Did she say what she came to do? "

Sheng Yeling immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Suddenly, his eyes flashed by, which seemed to be very intolerant.

You know, Liang Fengyue has always been thinking about him, but he rarely dare to come to find himself.

Today, what's the reason?
