But how to get in?

Xia Xing orange twisted his eyebrows.

Just then, a waiter pushed the dining car past her.

Xia Xingcheng has an idea. He steps forward and grabs the dining car. He smiles and says to the astonished waiter, "I'll come."

"Who are you?" The other side responded that she was very familiar.

"You don't know me?" Xia Xingcheng pretends to be surprised, then sighs helplessly, "also, the hotel is so big and there are so many employees, so we may not know each other."

Then she said, "go and have a rest. I'll do it here."



What else did the other party want to say, but she interrupted, "it's OK, we should take care of each other when we work together. I think your dark circles are very heavy. I think you haven't had a good rest. Take a break now. "

"Black circles?"

The other side raised his hand to touch his eyes.


Xia Xingcheng pushes the dining car to the room guarded by bodyguards.


Waiting for the waiter to respond, Xia Xingcheng has successfully entered the room.

The room was so quiet that it didn't seem like someone was living here.

Xia Xingcheng looks around the room and doesn't find the shadow of Xiaobao.

Fine eyebrow wring, oneself guessed wrong? Xiaobao doesn't live here.

Suddenly, a rapid sound of water rang out, which made her turn around and look at the bathroom.

The door of the bathroom is frosted glass. You can see a tall and straight figure vaguely.

Xia Xingcheng's heart is thumping. It's terrible. He should have found the wrong room.

While others are still taking a bath, run away!

Heart read a move, Xia Xing orange turned to leave, did not pay attention for a while, coupled with anxiety, she hit the dining car.

Sheng Yeling closed his eyes and let the warm water sprinkle on him.


Sheng Yanhuo opens his eyes and reaches out to turn off the shower. The sound of the water suddenly stops, and the surroundings are quiet.

There was a faint groan outside the bathroom. He looked awe inspiring. He pulled the towel on the towel rack to his waist and strode out of the bathroom.


How could she be so unlucky?

After Xia Xing orange hit the dining car, he didn't react for a moment. The whole person fell back and sat on the ground.

What a pain in the ass!

The pain made her grin, unable to hold back the groan.

Suddenly, a pair of feet in hotel slippers appeared in her sight.


Xia Xingcheng takes a breath of cool air and stops talking. His mind is spinning fast, thinking about how to explain the situation to the customers in this room.

Just before she had a good reason, a cold voice fell from her head, "you really don't give up!"

Why is the voice so familiar?

Xia Xingcheng frowns and slowly raises his head. A handsome face covered with frost falls into his eyes.

The pupil dilated abruptly.


How could it be him?

Sheng Yeling looked down at her. Her dark eyes were deep and startling.

As expected, when someone is unlucky, everything will happen!

Xia Xing orange turns his head and bites his teeth, then takes a deep breath, turns his head to face him again, his face is full of flattering smile, "what a coincidence! Shengzong. "

Sheng Yeling sneers, "yes, it's a coincidence!"

Xia Xingcheng got up, stood up, considered his words, and then asked tentatively, "manager Sheng, if I say it's an accident, do you believe it?"

"Accident?" As soon as the sword eyebrow picked up, Sheng Yeling hissed coldly, and his black eyes narrowed slightly, leaning close to her, "do you think I believe it or not?"

He had just taken a bath, his hair was still wet and random. He was more charming than the serious and indifferent man in the daytime.

Xia Xing orange swallowed his saliva, and his heart beat fast. Subconsciously, he stepped back and opened the distance between them. On her small face, there was still a flattering smile. "Mr. Sheng, how can I guess your mind?"

Hearing this, Sheng Yeling sneered, "dare not guess my mind, but dare to enter my room? Xia Xingcheng, should I say you are brave? "

He said as he approached her step by step.

Xia Xingcheng retreated and explained: "Mr. Sheng, it's really an accident. I thought Xiaobao had been brought to this room. I came to look for Xiaobao. "

Sheng Yeling chuckled, and then immediately pulled back with a heavy look. "Do you think I will believe you?"

Obviously, he felt that the air pressure around him was lower than before. Xia Xingcheng realized the danger and turned to escape.

But he moved faster, with his long arms extended, clasped her waist, and drew himself closer.

The strong masculine breath came to Xia Xingcheng, who was shocked and struggling subconsciously."Let go of me!"

I don't want his strength to be so great that I can't shake him at all.

Xia Xing and orange simply give up their struggle, raise their eyes, glare at him angrily, "Mr. Sheng, what do you want to do?"

"What to do?" Sheng Yeling slants up the corner of his lips, and there is a strange light in his black eyes. "What do I want to do? Don't you know?"

"I don't know!" Summer star orange cold with a small face, "Sheng Zong, you are so embarrassed a woman, is not too lack of grace?"

Sheng Yeling raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you send it to the door yourself?"

"I didn't!"

Xia Xingcheng's voice just fell, suddenly a whirl of the sky, and so on, she has been overwhelmed in bed.

Sheng Yeling's tall body pressed her, and there was almost no gap between them.

Although she has had children, she is still very strange to the affairs between men and women.

It's the first time I've been so close to a man when I'm awake.

Xia Xingcheng did not feel palpitation, but felt very ashamed and afraid.

She blushed and pushed Sheng Yeling hard. "You start for me!"

Sheng Yeling grabs her hands, presses them to her head, then leans over, whispers in her ear, "now that you are here, don't go, I allow you to trade with me with your body!"

When he spoke, the hot breath sprayed on her neck, and Xia Xingcheng's body was stiff, feeling unprecedented fear.

"Mr. Sheng, things are not what you think!" Her eyes are red and her voice is full of tears.

Sheng Yeling propped up his body and looked at her without any temperature, with a sneer on his lips. "It's too late for you to say this now. You should think about what will happen before you come into this room."

Why doesn't he believe in himself?

Xia Xing and orange are angry. They shout at him, "no matter what you think, please leave me now."
