When Xia Xingcheng wakes up again, it's not Xia Xingyan's and Xu Hao's engagement banquet. It's snowy white. She didn't know when she was sent to the hospital. (you talk about the net) [WW ω A kind of xIao A kind of sHuo. A kind of KR]

at this time, she is still suffering from a splitting headache, as if someone was hitting her head with a hammer.


She was so weak that she began to shout, but she didn't want to speak in a dry, hoarse voice, and coughed violently at once.

Xia Fu stood on the edge of the hospital bed, and saw that she woke up without the slightest intention of asking for help. He immediately asked, "I ask you, what's your relationship with Sheng Yeling?"

So far, in addition to disgust, Xia Xing orange's heart has no other feelings.

It seems that she can smell the stink of interest fumigation on the other side, which makes her headache worse.


She was not in the mood to pay attention to her father's questions. She sat up from the bed with strong support and tried to raise her voice to shout: "Xiao Bao, come quickly."

"Stop shouting. He's not here." Xia Fu frowned and looked impatient. "I asked Xing Yan to take him out to eat. You just need to answer my question. What is the relationship between you and Sheng Yeling?"

Xia Xingcheng is not willing to believe that the other side will have such kindness, let alone to think about how hard Xiao Bao will be treated when he stays by Xia Xingyan's side.

"What does it have to do with you." Her face sank suddenly, and she glared at her cold voice and coldness. "I think I've made my words clear enough. If you go on your way, I'll go on my single wooden bridge. The well water won't break the river in the future."

"Well, well water doesn't offend the river." Summer father sneers and nods a sign way, "then you go, a person rolls more far better."

Xia Xingcheng raised his hand to lift the quilt off his body and stood up reluctantly: "if I want to leave, I will take Xiaobao with me. Don't worry, I won't trouble you one minute."


"Xiaobao is a child of the Xia family. Naturally, he should stay in the Xia family to raise him. Should he be given to someone who practices himself like you?"

Xia Fu's words seemed to be stabbed by a needle, which hurt her so much that she couldn't even cry out.

When I saw Xiaobao at the beginning, the other side clearly shouted one wild seed at a time, which was more agreeable than anyone else. Now I know that the father of the child may be the son of the family, and then I immediately changed my face.

"You can say whatever you want." Xia Xingcheng clenched his hands tightly, and his voice grew louder. "I don't want anything, I just want Xiaobao!"

After so many things, there are few things left around her. No one cares about her or her life.

Five years of suffering abroad made her grow up a lot, but also wake up a lot.

In this most painful and unforgettable day, Xiaobao is beside her, spending spring, summer, autumn and winter with her, and staying with her through the night of high fever.

The significance of Xiaobao to her is not what their father can understand.

"Give it back to you, too." Xia Fu raised his eyes and looked at her face. He replied, "I just heard that Sheng Shi has a project called Lei Ming looking for a partner recently. If you can persuade him to cooperate with Xia Shi, I will return the child to you."

He spoke lightly, but his heart was clear.

How many people have broken their heads in this thundering project? It's hard to talk about it.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt the child. Hurry up."

Xia's father said this and left Xia Xingcheng standing alone in the ward, cold as if he was in an ice cave.

She and Sheng Yeling met only by chance. Now, where are they going to find him.

It's even more difficult to get close to the other party's superior identity, let alone negotiate with men.

Even if there are more concerns, Xia Xingcheng still chooses to take the initiative without hesitation. She can't wait for a day. She just wants to leave the hospital to finish the work and get Xiaobao back from her father.

She checked it on the Internet, but there were many news reports about Sheng Yeling, saying that he was a talented young man and a genius once in a century.

However, Xia Xingcheng didn't care. She quickly found the address on the official website of the other company and went to Shengshi group immediately after going through the discharge formalities.

It was already afternoon when she arrived, and she could not help looking at the towering building in front of her eyes. In the spacious and open lobby, the tiles are almost as clean as the human figures.

"Hello." "I want to see Sheng Yeling," she cried in a hurry as she stepped up to the reception

However, when the other party heard this, he did not lift his eyelids, but asked in a cold, expressionless voice, "do you have an appointment?"

Appointment. Where did she come from? She didn't even know the man's contact information.

The receptionist seemed to see through her mind. Before she could answer, she had to cut off her way: "I'm sorry, I can't let you in without an appointment."How could she leave now? She was so weak that she could not even stand still. Then she squatted at the door of shengnighting company holding the door.

It's the hot summer season. The hot sun makes the summer star and orange faint. However, no matter how sick she is, she is biting her teeth tightly and cannot say a word.

She waited for three hours, until the evening came, she finally saw Sheng Yeling's figure at the door.

It's just that the other party is busy answering the phone and doesn't notice her existence at all. They just get on the bus and are ready to leave.

Xia Xingcheng hurriedly gets up and chases out. He raises his voice to ask the man to stop him. However, when he opens his mouth, he finds that his throat is dry and hoarse.

Seeing that the car was about to pass by and disappear at the end of the road, she could no longer rush to stop in front of the car.

Only a sharp emergency stop was heard. Sheng Yeling, who was sitting in the back seat, noticed the situation and his face had completely changed.
