Chapter 1214: King Hunter’s Blade

In particular, Cantory was more enraged by the fact that Lin Li didn’t take a single glance at him, and simply treated him like he was nonexistent. If he had lost after a brutal fight, he would’ve felt less disgruntled because he had at least caused some trouble for him. However, the fact now was that he seemed just like a clown who was creating a nuisance and getting ignored, which was a huge insult and humiliation to him!

At the thought of this, Cantory found it harder and harder to curb his anger as he even felt an urge to fall out with Lin Li.

However, just when Cantory was on the verge of an outburst, Harquess, had been standing next to him, pulled him back in time, and said, “That’s enough, Cantory, let’s get to the important matters that we have to handle, and stop wasting time here.”

On the one hand, Harquess did not want to see Cantory getting into trouble, since they had, after all, been friends for years. On the other hand, Harquess was also worried that he wouldn’t be able to explain to his father and elders back at home if things were to go out of hand. His father and elders had instructed him to form a friendship with Lin Li, and if things got worse, he would not only fail to complete the task they gave him, he would also allow things to develop in the opposite direction. If that were to happen, he would lose his position in the Octopus Clan.

After being pulled back by Harquess, Cantory finally calmed down a little, and kept his eyes fixed on Lin Li, who was standing among the crowd. He gritted his teeth, and said, “Hmph, okay, we’ll let him be smug for the time being!”

Hearing his words, Harquess secretly shook his head. In his opinion, Cantory was a great person, but his only flaw was his lack of foresight and broad horizons. However, if it were not for the admonishments of his father and elders, Harquess would have probably acted in a similar manner. With that thought in mind, Harquess couldn’t help but look at Lin Li, still in disbelief that his attainments in inscription had actually made his father and the elders feel inferior to him.


After Cantory left, Lin Li managed to get his hands on that box of Nether Pearls too. As for the cooperation, Lin Li did not promise anyone anything. Anyway, the Nether Servant’s Blessing Potion was something that only the pharmacists of the Tower of Dusk could concoct. Hence, anyone who wanted to go to the Nether Sea would have to buy the Nether Servant’s Blessing Potion from the Tower of Dusk. Lin Li never thought of cooperating with someone and monopolizing the Nether Sea through cooperation, either. Otherwise, he could have just gone to do so himself instead of seeking cooperation with others.

Although the resources in the Nether Sea were very attractive, there were countless Undead creatures of the Sea Clan present, and the Nether Sea was not something that two forces could monopolize. If they didn’t have enough strength, they would only be able to explore the periphery of the sea instead of delving deeper. Thus, the quality and quantity of their gains would imaginably be very low.

Hence, Lin Li would benefit the most if more and more forces explored the Nether Sea and discovered the resources in it for him instead of gaining monopoly. As long as the Tower of Dusk was always in control of the supply of the Nether Servant’s Blessing Potion, the other forces would only be working for the Tower of Dusk regardless of how they tried to explore.

After obtaining the Nether Pearls, Lin Li took Connoris and Angelano away, and proceeded with browsing the items sold at each stall of the Secret Merchant Market. However, Cantory had stopped following them. Although Lin Li had never taken Cantory seriously, he was glad to enjoy some peace and silence without Cantory’s incessant clamoring.

Lin Li managed to purchase those Nether Pearls at 10% of the original price set by the secret merchant. Of the 30 or so Nether Pearls, almost half of them reached the peak Legendary-level, which was enough to give the Retribution Knight Legion a great boost in combat power. Even a Sanctuary powerhouse probably wouldn’t dare to contend with a legion composed entirely of Retribution Knights whose combat power was at the peak of the Legendary-level.

However, that was only Lin Li’s first gain in the Secret Merchant Market and the beginning of his shopping trip. He reckoned that there had to be many more precious items waiting to be discovered by him.


As expected, Lin Li began to spend a lot of money later on, and his expenditure amounted to as much as hundreds of millions of gold coins, which he did not hesitate to pay.

Lin Li bought some rare metals that contained the Elemental Power of water at a stall of one of the secret merchants—it could be used to help Angelano modify the Alchemy Colossus. They had previously bought a Divine Sea Pillar at Gift of the Sea, which would only give the Alchemy Colossus the ability to fight in the sea once it was equipped, and if the parts of the Alchemy Colossus were replaced with some that could be compatible with the Divine Sea Pillar, it would allow the power of the Divine Sea Pillar to be fully exerted.

The Divine Sea Pillar contained extremely powerful rules of the sea that could allow one to mobilize the power of the ocean for his own use. If they used the Divine Sea Pillar solely for the sake of letting the Alchemy Colossus fight on sea, that would be a huge waste. If the Alchemy Colossus could really use this power, its combat power would probably be similar to that of a Sanctuary powerhouse, even though it might not be able to create a world.

In particular, Lin Li still had some Divinity Metal. Although he could not replace all the parts and accessories of the Alchemy Colossus, he would be able to use the metal in some key parts of the core, which would be of great help to the Alchemy Colossus. Although there was nothing too striking about the Divinity Metal, it had the growth attribute, which other types of metals lacked. If the Divinity Metal was used during the transformation, the Alchemy Colossus might one day grow to the Sanctuary-realm.

In addition to those rare metals with the water attribute, Lin Li also obtained many precious herbs in the market. Besides, there was another point. Due to the lack of pharmaceutics Gurus in Anril and the fact that ordinary pharmacists couldn’t use those precious herbs at all, the prices of precious herbs weren’t ridiculously high. In fact, some were even sold at discounted prices.

Due to the characteristics of the marine environment, those herbs were basically drawn to the water attribute. Actually, herbs with the water attribute were mostly used to formulate Recovery Potions, but there was a difference between static water and dynamic water. The Elemental Power of water in the sea was inclined to being in an excited state, and thus the herbs with the water attribute were the best material for formulating potions meant for improving the attack power of magic spells.

Lin Li spent more than three hours and hundreds of millions of gold coins on the first floor of the Secret Merchant Market. Of course, not all the deals were made using gold coins, because magical crystals were also considered valid currency that was accepted at the market. Lin Li had an abundance of magical crystals.

However, just as Lin Li finished shopping on the first floor, and was about to head to the second floor, he stopped in his tracks near the door leading to the second floor because he detected an aura that seemed vaguely familiar to him.

Lin Li turned his head in the direction of the familiar aura, only to see a luxuriously dressed nobleman who was fiddling with a dagger in front of the stall belonging to a secret merchant who was wearing an eagle-headed mask just a short distance away. The aura that seemed familiar came from the dagger that the nobleman had slightly unsheathed. As he placed the dagger back in, the aura immediately disappeared without a trace. That seemed to be the reason that he didn’t notice the dagger when he came over from that stall earlier on.

However, despite feeling an urge to take a closer look at the dagger, Lin Li did not reveal anything in his expression, because he knew very well that when dealing with merchants, one important thing to keep in mind was to never let the merchant see how interested you might be in the goods he peddled. Otherwise, the cunning merchants would definitely take advantage of that, and raise the price to more than 10 times of the original amount.

Lin Li did not explain to Connoris and the others, and simply pretended to be nonchalant as he returned to the vicinity of that stall that he had just left a short while ago. While casually browsing through the items at the stall, he secretly transmitted his mental strength towards the dagger that the noble was holding.

Although Connoris and Angelano were confused, they were smart and experienced enough. Hence, they did not ask Lin Li any questions, and simply followed him back to the stall. Besides, with their understanding of Lin Li, they knew that Lin Li had probably developed an interest in something.

At this juncture, Lin Li had already started using his mental strength to test the dagger. However, to his surprise, the inconspicuous sheath that came with the dagger had blocked his mental strength, and prevented it from penetrating it.

Fortunately, the nobleman pulled the dagger out a little again, as if he could hear Lin Li’s thoughts. The moment the dagger was slightly unsheathed, Lin Li immediately seized the opportunity, and allowed his mental strength to touch it.

However, the results of the test with the mental strength made Lin Li shocked, even though he was usually composed enough to keep his cool.

The Blade of the King Hunter! It turned out to be the Blade of the King Hunter! Lin Li was in huge disbelief with the outcome. In the game of Endless World, he was wearing the Hunter King suit, which was definitely the top equipment in the entire game. The King Hunter’s Blade was one of the parts of the Hunter King set, and was ranked among the top weapons, though it was not as good as the Stars of Fury and the debris of the stars.

How did the King Hunter’s Blade end up here? Lin Li suddenly recalled the Immortal King’s incarnation that he had encountered in the Well of the Sun when exploring the Sky Castle. Not only was that incarnation using the Stars of Fury and the debris of the stars, it was also wearing the King Hunter’s Suit that Lin Li had once owned. However, at that time, the debris of the stars and the Stars of Fury were both condensed with mana by the Immortal King, as with the King Hunter’s Suit.

That also meant that the Immortal King probably had the real King Hunter’s Suit. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to coincidentally create an exact replica. The appearance of the King Hunter’s Blade reminded Lin Li of the world in the game, and also allowed him to associate it with the Immortal King.

However, Lin Li did not rush to ask about it, and instead stood a short distance away to look at the things in front of him while listening to the explanation that the secret merchant over there was giving to the customers.

After hearing the explanation, Lin Li learned that the King Hunter’s Blade came from Cursed Island in the past. He remembered that it was mentioned in the legend of Cursed Island that Cursed Island might have been desolate in the beginning, but it hadn’t been covered in ice and snow. Instead, someone found a few powerful magical equipment pieces on the island, and touched something, which resulted in the current appearance of the island. The King Hunter’s Blade was rumored to be one of the several pieces of magical equipment that had been dug out, and eventually ended up with that secret merchant.

However, the nobleman was clearly not interested in the secret merchant’s words; in fact, when he heard about Cursed Island, he was so frightened that he tossed the King Hunter’s Blade back to the secret merchant. By the time the secret merchant wanted to say something, the nobleman fled as if he had been marred with bad luck.

At this moment, Lin Li slowly walked towards the stall, and first looked at other things before turning to look at the King Hunter’s Blade, making it seem as casual as possible.

The secret merchant with eagle-head mask was a little dejected at first because his customer had fled in fright, but when he noticed that Lin Li was also looking at the dagger, he immediately deferentially said, “Sir, what are you interested in? All the things that I have here are fine and exquisite!”

Lin Li did not respond to his question, and instead reached out to pick up the King Hunter’s Blade. However, as soon as he did, his expression turned sullen again because only half of it was left.

“This is what you call a fine product?” Lin Li asked disdainfully while shaking the half of the dagger in his hand.

However, the secret merchant with the eagle head mask didn’t feel awkward at all as he explained, “Sir, this dagger may be broken, but its sharpness is definitely beyond your imagination. You should know how hard Starry Metal is, but this dagger can cut through it easily like it’s a piece of fruit.”

While speaking, the secret merchant with the eagle head mask took the King Hunter’s Blade from Lin Li’s hand, and slashed at a piece of Starry Metal. Just as he said, a piece of the Starry Metal was slashed off by the blade, and the surface of the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

However, Lin Li felt a little sad about the King Hunter’s Blade because it could be considered the pinnacle of human craftsmanship, and if it was further improved, it might reach the level of an artifact. Despite being one of the top 10 weapons in the past, it was now used to cut Starry Metal to prove its sharpness. It was undoubtedly a huge insult to the King Hunter’s Blade.

“Okay, considering how sharp it is, I’ll take this severed half of the dagger. How much are you going to charge for this?” Lin Li asked, showing a little bit of interest at the right time. If he were to spend money to buy it while seeming to be completely uninterested, he might end up arousing suspicion. After all, the cunning merchants were no fools.

“6,000,000 gold coins. It’s definitely going to be a bang for your buck!” said the secret merchant with the eagle head mask when he saw that there was some hope of selling the dagger.
