Chapter 415  

Before in this world that he believed that theres no one that related to him.

If Song Ting Yu wanted to set a trap for him, where would he find a hair?

The time he was thinking hard, Gao Sheng sent him a message for the room number.

He immediately drove to the hospital and found the room that Gao Sheng told him.

He didnt knock at the door and stood in front of the sickroom for a long of time until the door was opened. Chen Mei and the doctor came out.

They were chatting and didnt notice Gu Dong Chengs presence.


When the doctor left and Chen Mei wanted to return inside the room, she saw Gu Dong Cheng.

The moment she saw him, her body turned cold and hesitated for a long time. She came forward and said: Mr Gu, Mr Gu.

Gu Dong Cheng was watching her for a long time and said coldly: Chen Mei?

Chen Mei nodded: Yes.

So its you and your daughter that let my mother suffered and she chose to commit suicide? Gu Dong Cheng narrowed his eyes.

His words showed that he believed the fact that was presented by Song Ting Yu.


Chen Meis face turned pale with fright: Mr Gu, I, that year I was still young. I didnt understand about a lot of things that I ruined your parents relationship. These years I feel quite guilty for her. I apologize for what Id done that year?

Apologize? Gu Dong Cheng laughed coldly: My parents are dead. Both of them was gone because of you, you can just apologize to me?

Mr Gu, I didnt do it in purpose. Yet indeed I hurt your mother. Their death is connected to me. I couldnt find relieve in these years too. But my daughter is innocent. She doesnt know anything so Mr Gu, you can blame me for everything, but please let her go.

She hadnt born and she already forced my mother to die. So how come she can live in this world? Gu Dong Cheng replied.

Chen Mei was shocked and didnt care about anything, she came forward and clutched his sleeve: Mr Gu, you couldnt do this. No matter how she is related to you too? She is your biological little sister.

Biological little sister? Gu Dong Cheng felt that he was hearing a joke. He removed her hand ruthlessly and raised his eyebrows: She is my sister? Does she have that privilege?

Mr Gu..

Chen Mei knew clearly that according to Gu Dong Chengs personality, it will be so easy for him to stop her daughter to get surgery.

With his one command, there will be no doctor willing to operate her daughter.

Gu Dong Cheng pushed her down and left. He didnt care about her wailing cry.

He wanted those who hurt her mother to suffer.

Little sister?


How can that daughter be his little sister? If its not because of that two men, how can his mother choose to commit suicide? How can she act shamefully and ask him to forgive and let them go!


This moment he was full of rage!

After feeling of rage, he felt himself to be miserable. He just realized that these years all along, he is alone.

No one stays beside him, including his parents.

His mother is a selfish one. Because of her husbands betrayal, at last she chose to die together with her husband. Has she ever thought about him before she did it?

Does she not know that he still needs her?

Why she didnt think about what will happen to him if they die? How can he continue to live?

Supposedly his mother never thinks about this because those days before her suicide, she just stayed inside her room. She didnt talk to him and didnt even look for him when she decided and planned her action

She didnt do anything for him..

He just heard about the news about their death.

He was at school that time. He was like a crazy one when he heard about it. He looked at both of them laying cold on the bed.

Madame Song didnt let him to cover them.

She said that they both looked too frightening, and didnt let him to go to see them for the last time.

Tian Mi was forced to the corner, she just realized that she couldnt run again.

Since the last time, Gu Dong Cheng had disappeared from in front of her for two days. Today he appeared again, supposedly he remembered her again.

The time she looked at his people, she turned cold. She remembered those days that those people will take her away

Ms Tian, Chief Gu wants to meet you. Please follow us.

Tian Mi stood in the corner and said: I will not meet him. Go away!

Ms Tian, please dont make things hard for us. We only follow Mr Gus order.

Then one of them moved forward and covered Tian Mis mouth with a towel. Outside the alley, theres a car waiting for them.

Tian Mi was half- conscious.

She knew that car was moving and stopping at some point. She was carried off the car.

The time she was awake, she noticed Gu Dong Cheng was in front of her.

She didnt care about her headache and immediately sat up on the sofa. She slapped him.

He didnt dodge it. He just watched her.

You are a crazy one! She even didnt want to look at him!

She looked around the room.

Its Gu Dong Chengs houses living room. She was sitting on the sofa.

She was full of hatred. She really wants to kill him.

She looked at her bag, it was placed on the sofa.

Gu Dong Cheng then said: Ive taken your phone
