He Weifei asked, "do you want to settle down in Qincheng this time?"

"Your mommy wants to go home. You can't let her float outside. Your grandparents also miss her very much."

"Hmmm-hmm. in this way, Grandpa and grandma must be very happy. The Cheng family will also be very happy."

"Yes." He Qiaoyan tapped his fingers on his knee and said, "in the future, when you marry your daughter-in-law, you will marry someone like your mommy. She knows the world and can keep a simple and pure heart. You can marry your partner in the future, no matter how good or bad your family background is, as long as you can meet these two points. "

He Weifei's head is black, "Dad, are you serious? I'm not even 17 years old. Would you like to talk to me about your marriage partner? "

"I have to get married sooner or later. It's nice to get along with that person for a while."

He Weifei found that his father was right.


His father now in order to spend more time with his mother in the world of two people, even Yu Yu was thrown to him, but also a little to bring Yu Yu in the side of the consciousness is not.

This series of actions undoubtedly shows that his father met his mother and lived a small life that he thought was very happy.

Except for Mommy, everyone else is empty in his eyes.

He Qiaoyan glanced at he Weifei and said, "OK, don't bother me and your mommy if you don't have anything to do in the future, and don't do anything for me. I'm not easy to live a half retired life. You've made a mess for me. Did I owe you in my last life? "

He Wei smiled and hugged his father. "I owe you that."

He Qiao rarely saw him look like a child at the banquet, and grudgingly patted him on the head, "get out of here if you know it."


"Where will you and Mommy live in the future? Will you go back to our villa? "

"Live where your mommy lived before the depression."

"Grandpa and grandma moved back to the apartment?"

"Well, those two apartments are enough for all of us. If you want to have another dog later, we can buy another one. "

He Weifei's face slightly changed. "It depends on Yu Yu. If Yu Yu likes raising, he can choose it."

"You didn't raise it. In addition, Yu Yu, who has no aesthetic sense, feels pretty when you give him a black soil. " He Qiaoyan's tone is really disgusting.

"Did you say that about your son?"

"Didn't you see your son's father criticized so much?" He Qiaoyan patted his back. "Go upstairs and bring down the gloom. Let's go out for a walk."


He Weifei got up and went upstairs, and soon brought him down.

He Weiyu just woke up, and the whole person was still confused. When he saw the feast, He Qiao stretched out his little arm to play coquettish, "Dad, hold."

He Qiaoyan stooped to pick him up. "Are you good with grandpa and brother recently?"

"Very good, I just miss my father and Mommy."

"Daddy and Mommy miss you too."

He Weiyu kisses on the face of He Qiao's banquet excitedly, then buries his little face in his neck socket.

He Qiaoyan held his little butt steadily and went out.

He Weifei follows them and puts his little shoes on the little guy.

After getting in the car, he Qiaoyan fixed the little guy on his child seat and started the car to leave.


the car has been driving for more than an hour. He only looks at the familiar road conditions and knows where his father is going.

He Weiyu looked around innocently and didn't know where they were going.

He has no impression of the he family mansion.

He Qiaoyan stops the car in the yard, and he qiaonian hears the sound of the car coming out with the help of Su Rong.

When he Qiaoyan, he Weifei and he Weiyu got off the bus, the whole people were stunned. They looked at him unbelievably and said in a hoarse voice, "Qiao Yan..."

He Qiaoyan looks back and looks at him who has lost a lot of weight, but seems to have lost a lot of spirit. Then he qiaonian shows a tolerant and gentle smile, "big brother, I'm back."

He Qiao Nian's tears rolled down as the words came out.

He Qiaoyan put down he Weiyu, stood in the original place and looked at he qiaonian, did not come forward to greet or comfort.

Some things, he can only do this step, the rest depends on each other to go.

Su Rong's eyes were also red. She helped him down the steps and slowly walked to the front of the feast.

He qiaonian held his hand and choked, "thank you for coming back."

He Qiaoyan looks at the new year of he qiaonian in front of him, which is totally different from the big brother who impressed him many years ago.

Both of them suffered a lot in this incident. Neither of them won. They were all covered with injuries and depression.

His eldest brother has become a disabled middle-aged man from one of the most famous celebrities in Qincheng. He has also become the father of two children.The he family, which once made them proud, has become an empty shell without other people.

Only his eldest brother is stubborn here, waiting for him to come back.

Time is really a good medicine. When he left, he would never want to come back. At that time, he just wanted to give a good environment for growth of only non, so that only non can grow up without heart knot all the way.

In the end, they could not defeat the fate gear, and they all came back again.

Those injuries will eventually become the past, and when I think of them, they are not as sharp as before.

He Qiaoyan said, "I forgot the past. Elder brother, can you also forget? "

He qiaonian nodded repeatedly, "I've already regretted it. I'll regret the moment I heard you crash. I always thought that the last thing I want to hurt is you, but then the one who hurt the most is you. I'm sorry. "

He Qiao looks at the tears of he qiaonian, and then shows a tolerant and gentle smile, "don't lose your temper in front of the children."

"Yes, yes." He qiaonian took the tissue from Su Rong and wiped his tears.

He Qiaoyan said to he Weifei and he Weiyu, "say hello to the eldest uncle and aunt."

He Weiyu blinked his black and bright eyes, and cried softly: "great uncle and great aunt are good, I am depressed."

"Hey, how are you?"

He only looks at he qiaonian and Su Rong and doesn't speak.

"All in, all in," Su Rong said with a smile

He Qiaoyan steps into the main house, and he Weiyu puts his hand into his hands to let him lead him.

He Weifei took his soft hand and walked in step by step.

The furnishings in the room, as he had seen before, were unchanged.

And he family mansion is just a place for him, which has no substantive significance.

His home is the former villa, Mommy's two homes and Rongcheng's house, not the he family mansion.

He Qiaoyan sat on the sofa and looked around the house. He Qiaoyan could remember many things before.

He qiaonian didn't disturb him. He looked at him quietly.

For him, it's enough for Joyce to bring two children back. The rest is not important at all.
