Xiao'an nodded, and with Qin Yiyue's well-organized arrangement, she was quite calm. After wiping her tears, she called Yajing's parents.

Qin Yiyue used to know a lot of encoffinists when he was in the hospital and when he was with Ning. He contacted one of the most skilled encoffinists, and the other side was free, so he quickly agreed.

Qin Yiyue bought a box of rice for her and xiao'an, forced xiao'an to eat something, and began to receive the encoffiner.

He went to the row of bungalows behind the hospital with the mortuary. When the mortuary opened the white cloth, Qin Yiyue was stunned.

The encoffiner noticed her difference and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Xiao'an said that Yajing was hit by a car in Yade hospital. There is a lot of traffic there. The speed is not very fast. How could it have such a serious effect?"

The mortician lifted all the white cloth. "Your judgment is right. Accidents will not cause such precise injuries."


"Are you sure?"

"I've been in this business for so many years, I'm sure someone's been watching them."

Qin Yiyue's face changed greatly. "You are busy first. I'll go out and make a phone call."

Qin Yiyue walked out of the row of small bungalows and called he Qiaoyan. "Tu Hao, xiao'an's friend Yajing died in a car accident near the hospital where I worked before. After seeing it, the mortician said that someone was deliberately murdered. Help to get the surrounding surveillance and have a look. "

"OK. Where are you now? I'll go. "

Qin Yiyue reported the address and hung up.


She has a feeling that what Cheng jiangxue said today has happened.

They didn't start with her and her relatives, but they chose people who were separated from her by several layers, and they were a human life.

Yajing and she have met several times, and have not talked in depth. She can't imagine how to explain to xiao'an and her family if Yajing was killed by a car for this reason.

It is self-evident how much the impact of Yajing's death on xiao'an is.

Qin Yiyue finds that Cheng jiangxue is right. Before she knows the truth, she begins to feel guilty.

Yajing's parents and He Qiao's banquet arrived soon. An old couple couldn't understand why their son went out to see a girl he loved in a healthy and healthy way, and they were separated from each other forever.

A pair of old people cried from the moment they answered the phone. It was still driven by Yajing's sister.

Looking at the carefully decorated Yajing by the mortician, it's not like a person who is no longer there, it's like falling asleep accidentally.

**After settling down with her parents, xiao'an fainted because she was too sad and was sent to the hospital for recuperation.

Before the coma, xiao'an specially stressed not to let her parents know.

Qin Yiyue stayed with her and he Qiaoyan went to the hospital to go through the formalities.

Seeing Qin Yiyue sitting in front of xiao'an's bed, she went over and shook her hand.

Qin Yiyue said softly, "have you finished all the formalities?"

He Qiaoyan nodded, pointed out the door, and then walked out first.

Qin Yiyue sees Xiaoan is still sleeping and gets up and goes out.

After closing the door of the ward, Qin Yiyue asked, "did grandpa and them send people to do it?"

He Qiao nodded at the banquet.

"Today, my sister reminded me of this, but I don't understand the significance of their doing so? What is the value of killing a life? What will they get out of it? "

"They want me back." "He Qiao banquet light way.

"They broke off with you yesterday and let you go back today. They have changed a little too fast. "

"We should not be tired of deceit in the war. When we see that the situation is not right, we should change our policies at any time."

"Tu Hao, how to explain this?"

"The police will find the driver, and then the two sides will negotiate compensation."

"That's it?"

"Otherwise?" He Qiao asked lightly.

Qin Yiyue opened his mouth and didn't say anything in his heart.

In the ward, xiao'an opened her eyes and listened to the conversation between he Qiaoyan and Qin Yiyue in shock. Her eyes were full of shock.

This matter has something to do with Qin Yiyue and he Qiaoyan?!

**Qin Yiyue took care of xiao'an for two days and returned to the company after seeing her in a stable mood.

In recent days, the company has also had a lot of things. It would rather pay liquidated damages than reject the contract signed before.

The news of their company's being banned spread all over the place, and several projects under discussion were not finished.

These are all external things, and the internal staff of the company are also in panic. Few people, including Lanfei, have settled down to do things.

Lanfei has made a lot of money in recent years, but the pressure on her to raise a child, provide a car and a house alone can be imagined.

There is absolutely no money in her hand that makes her feel secure.

However, she also expressed her gratitude to Qin Yiyue and Cheng jiangxue for their understanding and help. Before they made any decision, she still helped to pacify the floating people of the company.After Qin Yiyue's return, an emergency mobilization meeting was held temporarily to appease all the employees and give them several tubes of chicken blood.

After the meeting, Qin Yiyue went back to his office and made several phone calls to discuss cooperation.

She has been in this business for several years, and not without any contacts.

Now it's more useful to arrange a few films, televisions or advertisements for new and old employees to work instead of encouraging them.

After a few phone calls, I only got two orders.

Those in charge are familiar with her, and there is no other way out of embarrassment.

After Qin Yiyue hung up, his face was a little ugly.

The he family didn't give her a hand when she and he Qiaoyan divorced.

At that time, she just divorced, and the relationship with Cheng family was not deep enough that Cheng family was willing to make her debut, but they didn't do anything to her.

Now suddenly deal with her, is it really for the vice Joe's dinner to go back to he's house?

In their hearts, they thought that she would accept the feast again and make it decide to leave the family?

But instead of letting hocho's dinner leave her, they have a negative effect.

Qin Yiyue thought in silence, but some couldn't understand what they had done.

According to her previous relationship with he Laozi and he Jiaming, they are not the kind of people who will act recklessly, and they will not be so stupid as to use such obvious stupid methods.

Is this going to be made by Joaquin?

Qin Yiyue thought about it, and his mind was full of awe.

He qiaonian looks gentle on the surface, but he has been ill for ten years.

No matter how mild a person is, he is more grumpy than ordinary people.

He qiaonian wants to take this opportunity to let them push all these things to the he family, and to further separate the relationship between the he Qiaoyan and the he family.

Qin Yiyue doesn't deny that this idea has great possibility, but it can't be concluded for the time being.

According to what he Laozi and he Jiaming did to him in those days, they did these things to her completely in pediatrics.

Even his grandson and son can bump into each other without blinking an eye, and there is no pressure to do anything else.

Thinking of this, Qin Yiyue can't help but feel numb.
