"Frequent you, less nonsense. Hurry up, don't get in my way, I'm thankful. "

"It's a knife mouth tofu heart again. Fortunately, I know you all love me most." Qin Yiyue slipped away before the director sprayed her.

After Qin Yiyue left, the director went to the window.

A tall man was getting off the old van and looking up at the director.

The two men's eyes met in the air.

The director watched Ning put out his cell phone.

Soon, the director's cell phone rang.


The director picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Have you supported her?"

"Let her go to training. What are you going to do? Are you sure? No more trouble for her. "

"Well. Even with this life, we must solve the mistakes left over ten years ago! "

"Me too. If there were no mistake of the year, she would not have hurt my most beloved apprentice. "

"Don't blame yourself. Take the initiative before things are irreversible. "


The director paused. "Do you know where she is?"

"I should know."



The director hung up the phone and looked at the photo he took with his wife and Qin Yiyue. His eyes rested on the smiling young girl, full of love and smile.

The director touched the two faces in the photo and turned away from the hospital.


he Qiaoyan repeatedly listened to the voice of Ning Fang and director Huang and turned to thunder, "where did they go later?"

"On the highway."

"Where's the highway?"

"Qin Jin expressway."

"They go to Jincheng?"

"Yes. What are we going to do, sir? "

He Qiao got up without thinking, "I'll go to Jincheng."

"How do you explain it, madam?"

"I'll call her."


After he Qiaoyan sat in the car, he pondered in his heart the words that director Huang and Ning Wei said on the phone.

By their dialogue, we can basically confirm that Ning Wei did not suffer from bone cancer. Director Huang helped her with the fake medical records and various data for some reason.

What he did at that time finally threatened Qin Yiyue's safety.

Now he and Ning Fang are going to deal with Ning Wei's business.

How do they know Ning Wei is in Jincheng?


Ning put the old van in front of the university town in Jincheng.

Then, I went to Jin university with director Huang.

JINDA is a school with a strong historical flavor. Every brick has its own distinct characteristics.

In the past few years, famous architects have been invited to design and rebuild here, which has become the place to come to Jincheng.

The two entered the teachers' area and asked at the security booth on the first floor, "is Mr. He there?"

"Who are you? Do you have an appointment?"

"We are her friends in Qincheng. We specially came to see her today."

The security guard looked at the two people several times. They were not like ordinary people in temperament and clothes. They called hejiaqin.

Hang up the phone and say, "Mr. He is waiting for you in classroom 305. Please go up."

After thanking Ning Fang, I went upstairs with director Huang.

In the trapezoidal classroom of vocal music in 305 classroom, a woman with elegant and indifferent temperament is sitting on the position near the window, holding a score in her hand and clapping her fingers on her knees.

After hearing the footsteps, he Jiaqin turned his head and looked at them calmly. "The security guard said that the two gentlemen who want to see me are the two?"

"Yes. We want to ask Mr. He to help us. "

"Help? I'm not related to you. Why should I help you? " He family Qin light voice way, the vision is elegant and fierce.

"This matter has something to do with you. I hope you can hear our request first." Ningfang said, taking out a tie clip that looks exquisite and valuable.

He Jiaqin glanced at the tie clip. "Are you a friend of Joe's dinner?"


"That's Qin Yiyue's. I'm not sure if I can help. "

Ning Fang took several photos out of his bag. "Have you seen the person in this picture, Mr. He?"

He Jiaqin takes the picture, sees the person on the picture, she Leng Leng Leng, "who are you?"

"I'm her eldest brother. This is the doctor who has treated her."

"Big brother? She told me that she had no family, was an orphan, and grew up in a welfare home. "

"Where is she now?"

"She left six months ago and said she would do something. I don't know what it is. It doesn't look good. "

"Do you know her relationship with the Hojo feast?""My impression is that when she appeared, Qiao Yan was not in China, and before the death of Qiao, outsiders didn't know that he family had other heirs. I didn't show up in front of the media either. How could she find me? " He Jiaqin said and looked at the two people alert, "who are you? What are you looking for me for this time? If you don't tell the truth, I'll call the security guard. "

Ning Fang was about to speak when he was interrupted by director Huang.

Director Huang said, "let me talk about it. The girl in the picture is really named Ning Wei. Ten years ago, on June 5, I saw her for the first time. At that time, I worked in the oncology department, because I made a mistake in the films and materials of two patients, which led to a tragedy. One of the two patients had advanced cancer, and the other was primary and curable. I reversed the films of the two of them, which led to the suicide of the patient suffering from benign tumor that night. His death brought great grief to their family. His wife and daughter couldn't bear the pain of his death and chose to commit suicide. Both parents had only one child. They know that their children and their daughters are dead, and they are killed in car accidents and suicide within one month. At that time, I was competent as a professor. Even though I knew that it was caused by my fault, I didn't take the initiative to admit it to the hospital. This matter has always been a secret in my heart. But I didn't expect a 16-year-old girl to know about it and threaten me with a bone cancer diagnosis. My first reaction at that time was to refuse, but she put the family's photos and ID cards in front of me, saying that she would ruin me. I was afraid, so I agreed to her terms. In the follow-up treatment, I have paid other people to do the data of the treatment alone. "

He Jiaqin looked at director Huang and Ning Fang in silence, "why should I believe your two words?"

Director Huang said: "I have been living in guilt for the past years, first, for my fault in that year; second, for the false case that I made to Ning Wei in that year; third, I don't want my favorite apprentice to suffer an accident."

"Your apprentice is Qin Yiyue?"

"Yes. She is a new person in the medical field that I admire most at present. She has been excellent since she was in medical school, and she works very conscientiously and diligently. What's important is that her spiritual world is bright and doesn't seem to hide any gloom. I think the most important spirit of doctors is in her. I don't want that to affect her. As her predecessor, I hope you can provide us with useful information and find Ning Wei earlier. She should bear the consequences of what she did. "
